The National Code of Ethical Practice for UK Education Agents
The National Code of Ethical Practice for UK Education Agents, or ‘National Code’ outlines and digital agent networks (agent aggregators, brokers, and marketplaces) representing UK providers. The standards are broken into five areas. Under each area are a series of expected and desirable practices. The five standards are:
Education agents and digital agent networks commit to professional business governance and practices. You conduct yourselves with due regard to the regulatory conditions in the market(s) in which you operate, as well as complying with all applicable national laws, regulations, and official policies. Furthermore, you act with integrity and in a manner that reflects positively on the image of the profession, your educational institution partners, and the UK education sector as a reliable and trustworthy provider of high-quality education and training.
Education agents and digital agent networks maintain the highest standards of ethical business practices. You promote yourselves and your educational institution partners fairly and without recourse to unfavorable or negative comparisons with other educational institutions. You do not employ unfair or unprofessional practices to damage the interests of other agents or educational institutions. You are honest in communicating information about yourselves, your educational institution partners, and your student clients in published, oral, or any other form.
Education agents and digital agent networks provide accurate advice and guidance tailored to the student clients’ needs, wants, and capabilities. You shall not knowingly or by a failure of professional standards provide or disseminate false, incomplete, or misleading information.
Education agents and digital agent networks advocate for qualified students in their desire to gain admission to recognised, accredited, and contracted educational institutions. You act in the best interests of student clients as well as the partner institutions and offer advice, counselling, and information to students, and where appropriate, their parents, in a manner consistent with the National Code.
Education agents and digital agent networks maintain their staff and service delivery partners’ knowledge of the UK and of educational institution partners, and the skills associated with delivering professional practice with a high degree of competence.
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